Friday, July 1, 2011

The Stark Lonesomeness of Survival

After I tell you this I hope you don’t blame me for what I did. It was the only rational thing.
I will start from the beginning, though most of it is second hand and guess work and I’ll admit some I made up just to fill in the gaps. I didn’t come in until later, but I’m the only one left to tell it. The victor gets to write the history they say, though who’s to say I’m the victor.
This is about a device and how this device changed the world. To tell the truth this device didn’t look special, like a simplistic black iPhone knock off with an odd shaped camera. Its user interface left a lot to be desired, the battery life sucked, and it had a proprietary battery source. For all its faults though it was perfect.


Lab in San Diego
March Second, 2011

“I think that should do it,” Brain said, putting the case back on the test unit “I think we’re ready to fire it up”
The lab was well equipped and well lit but small. Three people crowded around a table, eyes fixed on the black reflective surface of the device.
“We’re still not sure what it will do though,” said Thomas with the slight whimper he got when he was nervous.
“Though Thomas is a simpering coward,” Sarah said “He’s right, we are only guessing. My best guess is it will explode, it is a closed system but it is getting power from somewhere at an incredible rate. Power that we don’t understand.”
“Only one way to find out” Brain said picking the device up, Sarah and Thomas both exclaimed and reached for him, but before they could stop him he’d powered it on.
With its flickering screen they resigned to watching as Brian Stewart Gardner consigned them to whatever fate lay ahead. Brian was an only child brought up by a struggling single mother. Scholarships and hard work had gotten him far, but he’d been laughed at. His theories called worthless and worse dangerous. Brian had drug himself up from the dirt and was on his way to a good life, but after he’d lost his daughters all he had was his work. He’d been laughed for years, though he knew himself to be correct though. He’d shown them the math, but they dismissed it, then Vincent had come along and shown him how to contain it. A way to channel the noise, harness it and make it power, this was the thing Brian needed, something so awe inspiring, so amazing, something to show them all. Something to bring them back… Though Vincent had left he didn’t need him anymore, Brian thought he’d finally done it on his own.
It vibrated a little in his hands as it came alive, Sarah leaned in to get a closer look. Sarah had written the code, which would hopefully allow them to channel the power. After its stark boot up it loaded to a utilitarian icon selection.
“Okay, so how far do we want to go with it?” Brian asked.
Sarah Elaine Stewart fought her own reluctance. Sarah was born in the first human settlement on the moon, Luna Prime. Second generation, but she was one of the lucky ones to have made it back to Earth. They were farming the moon for hydrogen, but it was essentially a labor colony. It did have the trappings of a school program and however weak it allowed a bright kid like Sarah to excel and escape. Both her parents would be killed in the Luna Prime disaster. Sarah really had only taken this class because Vincent had been in it though more as a joke really, she’d heard Professor Gardner was crazy, but the results of the Professor and Vincent made her believe. Then Vincent had disappeared and she felt it was her job to carry on.
“Push the smoke shaped one,” Sarah said pointing at the screen “then it will say seek and you hit yes”
Brian moved to do what she said, but Thomas grabbed his arm. “This is so fucking dangerous, we need to stop.”
Thomas Gustav Ramirez had lead a sheltered life, his intelligence had been recognized at a young age. Private schools, private tutors, nannies, stewards and structure had made him, for lack of a better term, a coward. A brilliant coward perhaps, but he was still more in love with theory and books than he was with people or conflict. Professor Gardner’s class was said to be all theory and fun impossible pure theory at that, he’d worked with the professor for five years, working on complex math. Things that worked out on paper but couldn’t work out in life, but then Vincent Myre had come in two years ago and given form to Gardner’s vision. A way to generate the power and channel it in a thing small enough to hold in your hand, it was too good to be true. The theory seemed to work though, the materials held up in testing. Then Vincent had disappeared six months ago, yet they proceeded on with his designs. Now everything was moving too fast for Thomas and this Sarah girl didn’t make things any better for him, she was as big an instigator as Vincent had been.
Sarah pulled him off of Brian and he gave up easily, as was his way. Brian looked at him with a flash of anger then went back to what he was doing. Just as Sarah had said, the smoke icon lead to a prompt that asked ‘seek,’ Brian looked at Thomas and hit yes.
Nothing happened at first and then the screen’s HUD came on. Battery, Air temperature, oxygen content, gravity, and wind speed and direction along the top, with an icon which said OK. It could also say NO2 for no oxygen, NPWR for not enough power to transfer, CRSV for a corrosive atmosphere and so on. On the bottom of the screen it had six icons, an arrow pointing forward, a squiggly line, a dimmed out arrow pointing backwards, a target, a magnifying glass, and a folder.
The screen remained dark, then it blinked on to show an early prototype of the device in its stand on the table, Brian moved the one in his hand around to face the door and the image on the screen lifted up from the table and then swung to show Sarah on the other side of the room and standing next her was Vincent. Sarah nearly fainted when she saw him, they could hear a whispering from the speakers.
“Turn it up,” Sarah barely got out “buttons are on the left side.”
Brian hit the top button on the left hand side a couple of times and the whispers became distinct voices.
“…ell it looks like it we’ll be ready for testing in a couple days,” it was Brian’s voice, Brian turned the device around and the screen filled with a very unflattering perspective of his own face. Brian backed up and there he was on the screen holding tweezers and a soldering iron.
“That was the one that didn’t work!” Thomas explained “That was like a year ago.”
Brian shushed him quickly, “we don’t know if they can hear us.”
Despite his fears the people on the screen continued on. Brian pointed it back at the door with Sarah and Vincent, the Sarah on the screen smiled and hugged Vincent.
“You did it” the Sarah on the screen said and Brain was so captivated by it that he almost didn’t notice the Sarah next to him fall to her knees.
“He’s alive,” she whispered “We can save him” Sarah got up slowly “We need to get close, I’m not sure what the range is and then Professor hit the target button”
Thomas stood still, looking back and forth between Professor Gardner and Sarah. Resolve came slowly to the Professor’s face.
“That’s far too risky at this point, don’t accuse me of being Thomas” Brian looked harshly at Thomas “But we need a little caution, what this means is that I was right. Vincent will always be alive somewhere and we need to test the getting there before we do anything to hasty. Maybe its providence we’re seeing the first prototype. We shouldn’t rush into it.”
Sarah and Thomas stood behind Brian and watched as the people on the screen reenacted what they had done a year ago. Brian moved the device as things happened, Thomas came on screen and helped out the others. Like a fly on the wall they watched.
Thomas took a deep breath then exhaled sharply, “Okay if we’re just going to watch let’s change the channel. This already happened, let’s see if it gets the future.”
“I hate agreeing with Thomas, but he’s right. As you said how far do you want to go with it?” Sarah asked.
“Here we go then, I take it that I hit the arrow?” Brian asked looking at Sarah. Thomas fidgeted, but took another deep breath and didn’t say anything.
Sarcastically Sarah said “I tried to make it simple.”
Brian hit the button and the scene on the screen changed. Brian moved the device around and on the screen Thomas and himself stood around the white board discussing one of Vincent’s early proofs.
“Hit it again” Sarah said and Brian did.
This time on the screen the board was blank and Brian was just moving into the office. Dutiful Thomas at his heals telling him that it was a good lab and they could work with it.
Brian chuckled softly to himself “those were the days… So does this thing do anything but rewind? It is amazing but-“
Sarah interrupted, “Hit the magnifying glass”
Brian did and a menu came up, the top item was required elements, second required entities, flowed by node strength, branch points, and finally an OK symbol, at the bottom was a button that said run.
“Now hit the top one, required elements. Then hit default, which is our atmosphere.” Sarah instructed and Brian followed along though he’d help her design it “required entities we can skip I think, let’s go a full ‘it’s a wonderful life’ and not include us necessarily. For node strength go as low as you can-“
Brian stopped her, “I know how to do it, as low as I can for node strength so we get as far from our hub as possible, then the most branch points, and leave it as OK and then hit run,” he said it as he did it.
The screen changed again this time it showed a desolate city. From the perspective of the device they stood in the middle of a strange square. The architecture was like nothing they’d ever seen, black, high, and narrow. In the small space of the lab Brian moved forward but though he had to press close to the real walls he got close enough to one of the buildings to see it was made of obsidian. He walked back to the middle of the lab and slowly panned the camera around.
The square was surrounded by the obsidian buildings in orderly rows, there were two incredibly tall towers on either side and several side streets.
“This place looks abandoned” Thomas said.
Sarah replied bitingly “Yes, yes it does Thomas thank you for saying what we could already see”
“Stop fighting you two, you’re worse than my children…” Brian paused for almost an unnoticeable second while the memories he’d conjured with that statement cascaded through his mind, the hope.
If they noticed they didn’t say anything, they hadn’t heard Brian talk much of his children. They quieted down though.
“Now that we’re all acting like adults” Brian said, “let’s try this thing out. There is no one around, the atmosphere is good and these building s look interesting. I say we try to travel.”
“I’m in” Sarah said firmly.
“Really?” Thomas asked sheepishly, “I don’t want to be the only one here and have to explain it when you die, I guess I’m in.”
“Ahh, Thomas always in for altruistic purposes,” Sarah said patting him on the back.
“Here we go then, get close,” Brian said motioning them in.
When they all stood huddled around the device in his hands, Brian hit the target button. For a second dizziness overtook them and they all nearly fell down, they blinked in unison as they the air changed around them. When they opened them again, they stood in the square that had been on the screen and the screen showed the lab they’d just been in.
“Hit the folder and save the last world, so we don’t lose it,” Sarah said, just remembering.
As Brain moved to do that the battery icon blinked, it was at just a little over half now. After he’d saved the location of the last world, their home, he turned to Thomas hoping to ask about the battery, but Thomas was off examining one of the monolithic towers.
Thomas motioned for them to come and join him and so Sarah went followed a little reluctantly by Brian.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Strange Happenings in the Woods - 3

They were so few in the beginning, they banded together against instinct. Their nature would lead them to be solitary hunters, but they knew they would find strength in number.
Bred for some dark, discarded purpose, left alone.

They named themselves the Ra’ku, and they found their own purpose.
There were three castes, the calculating Alphas, the violent Warriors, and the intelligent Muted Ones. Their bodies muscular, covered in dense grey fur, darker around their eyes, standing around 6 feet tall.
They dug tunnels to hide from those who might interfere. They had a plan, and by generations, they had grown to an unnumbered multitude.
Se’l looked down on the Thousand Generals from his high lectern in the great meeting hall.
It was a giant tubular room, which could hold many more than the Thousand Generals, whose numbers were far greater than their name might imply, and all their many attendants. It’s acoustics designed to carry sound from where Se’l stood to it’s furthest rounded corner.
Surrounding this room was a maze of tunnels leading to thousands of rooms for, housing of their great number, their large stores of food, and their many hoarded weapons.
From his high position Se’l’s voice boomed with a great amount of command, the Thousand Generals jumped to attention.
The generals and their many attendants gave an animal roar of approval. Stopping only when Se’l raised his hands, he spoke again.
“Soon my brothers, our plan will come to fruition, the dreams of our grandfathers achieved-“
Another approving cheer interrupted him. Se’l raised his hands for silence again and continued.
“You my precious Thousand Generals must be ready, our training must be intensified, and our weapons must be made sharp. Our thoughts, our breath, our blood focused on one purpose.”
The Thousand Generals and their many attendants yelled again, and Se’l looked down on them and thought about how much he hated the Warrior caste, dirty violent creatures bred only for violence. When this war was over, they would have to be dealt with, Se’l knew that for certain.
“General Vize will speak now; he will lay out our plan for the coming weeks. Only through following our plan will we succeed, that is what makes us stronger, better.” Se’l paused and drew a before shouting “Our unity!”
Se’l left his lectern to a wave of noise as General Vize took his place. One of the better warriors, Se’l thought to himself, he could almost pass for an alpha, his snout was to short though.
As he entered the corridor behind the great hall, Vex ran up to him.
“Another human came to the forest Se’l, he got away” Vex said hurriedly.
“What! How did he get away?” Se’l yelled angrily.
“I don’t know, the Warrior who was hunting him said it seemed like the human knew he was there.”
“What is this Warrior’s name?” Se’l asked with a barely hidden contempt.
“Bri’el, he’s impulsive, but promising as a young Warrior,” Vex said.
Se’l looked contemplative then said coldly, “See to it everything is made right, and see to it that he is punished.”
Vex wanted to say something, but stood silent and nodded.
After a silent between them over which, the chanting of the gathered multitude in the great hall could be heard,
“How is the devise coming along?” Se’l asked slowly,
Vex avoided his gaze and replied, “It is good; the Muted Ones have indicated that it will be done very soon.”
“Excellent, I will go inspect it.”
Hastily Vex said, “That’s not necessary, you know how the Muted Ones hate to be disturbed.”
Se’l stared at Vex hard; Vex was barely able to suppress a shiver.
“I will go inspect it,” Se’l said leaving the room, Vex followed on his heels.
Down dark, twisting tunnels, deeper and deeper into the Earth, Se’l and Vex walked a path they had gone down many times. At the end, they knew they would find the place of the Muted Ones, Ra’ku that could not speak, but had a way with machines that others did not. Compared to other Ra’ku the Muted Ones were smaller, their fur paler, with nimble fingers.
With scavenged pieces, they had built the device. Using the tools of the humans against them, they would level the playing field. In it’s present state, the devise could jam high frequency signals, but at full power it would blackout cities.
With one energetic pulse, they would gain dominance. Se’l looked upon it with awe for several minutes, and then the sobering reality of the dream came to his mind.
Communicating with the Muted Ones was a difficult process, their eyes staring seemingly in another place, they moved their mouths but no noise came out, there was no seemingly pattern, their hands gestured, but the message communicated was all in vague inferences.
One of the Muted Ones approached Se’l, he’d always assumed this was the leader, or at least their representative, as this one always acted as emissary. Se’l referred to him as el, a half name meaning ‘lost’.
el’s blank eyes met Se’l’s and a chill went down Se’l’s spine, el gestured first at the machine then at the ground. His mouth moving in silent mimicry of some unknown language, el pointed to the high ceiling, never taking his eyes away from Se’ls. el spun around in a circle, his tail hitting Se’l.
The message was not entirely clear to Se’l, but he estimated it’s meaning based on his long experience. “It would be done soon, but we needed more power,” they always needed more power, Se’l thought to himself, about where to get it this time, if they drew anymore from the humans grid they would notice, but their geothermal plant was already running at overcapacity.
el turned and walked away apparently finished.
Se’l gestured Vex to his side, “Inform General Vize to meet me in the war room, we need to find a way to increase our available power.”
“Right away,” Vex said turning and leaving the way they’d come in.
Se’l listened to the device’s dull hum and watched the Muted Ones work. Tweaking and adjusting, the machine as it grew bit by bit.
It was the plan and it was coming together.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Strange Happenings in the Woods - 2

Detective Channing hoped that they had just gone camping and not notified anyone, but he suspected that was not it. Simon and Annabelle Dane had been missing for four days. The file sat on the seat next to him as he drove; they appeared to be an ordinary couple.
Thanks to the magic of GPS when Anna’s mother had reported them missing they had been able to track Simon’s car using his Onstar. Deep in the heart of Mark Twain National Forest, an odd spot to leave your car Detective Channing thought cynically.
Detective Ryan Channing was a sturdy man, he’d begun to become rounder in the middle but he tried to stay in shape, 6 feet tall exactly, brown hair starting to grey. Channing was wondering why he’d been drawn to this assignment, a missing persons case with a car deep in the woods going to be a pain in the ass, but when this case came up during the morning briefing Channing jumped at it because he had a feeling. Sometimes Detective Channing knew things, things that it should be impossible for him to know. Not like a psychic thing, just a sense of the right places to go and which questions to ask, like a teleprompter in his head, Channing just had to say and do what this guiding feeling told him to do.
This talent of Channing’s had earned him more than a few commendations. He had a talent for showing up at the right time, this time though Channing knew in his gut that he was too late, but that there was something deeper here.
At the suggestion of his dashboard GPS’s digital voice, Channing pulled off the access road and onto the gravel side, he spotted Simon Dane’s car and rolled up to it slowly.
The trunk was open and nobody was around.
Channing got out of his car, making a slow sweep with his eyes looking carefully at the forest around him. Detective Channing was always cautions, but here he felt he had to be especially on his toes. Channing slowly approached the car, as he got closer, he saw that there where blood stains in the trunk’s carpet.
Channing looked around suddenly, he got the feeling he was being watched. He noticed that caught in a low branch at the forests edge was a piece of heavy plastic. Detective Channing walked over and bent down to investigate it, a breadcrumb trail of blood led off into the forest.
Channing walked back to Simon’s car and made a brief sweep of the interior, seeing nothing of any immediate importance he returned to his car and got on the radio.
“This is 5-1-Leo-5, I’ve found Simon Dane’s car, there is a blood trail leading off into the woods. I am going to follow it, have a forensics team get out here and look at the car. Over”
Static greeted Detective Channing, there was no response, and Ryan Channing felt eyes upon him again.
Again, he swept his surroundings with his eyes, again he saw nothing.
Channing thought to himself for a minute, drew his gun and walked into the forest following the path of blood.
With his gun taking point, Detective Channing ventured further and further into forest, following a trail of blood, disturbed earth and ripped plastic bits.
Dragging a body seemed so disrespectful to Channing, and an unceremonious burial in the woods was just sad.
The trail stopped abruptly in a small clearing, bloody plastic and ground marked the end of this treasure hunt.
No body though, this was disconcerting Channing thought. Channing made a slow circle of the clearing, broken branches lead back and slightly to the left of the way he had come.
Channing pushed a branch out the way with his gun and started following this new trail, of disturbed and broken branches. Hearing a noise Detective Channing spun quickly, his gun found no target; he steadied his breath and listened. Nothing out of the ordinary came to his attention; Channing turned back and continued along the trail.
This path was different from the other Channing noticed, more erratic, like a chase.
After a few odd twists and turns, Channing found himself in another clearing with not one but two blood stained spots on the ground. What was going on here, he thought to himself.
Detective Channing made a slow circle of this clearing with his eyes; he found no convenient paths leading off for him to follow. Something caught Channing’s eye, he walked over to it quickly and bent down, it looked like a jawbone from some odd creature, Channing picked it up and put it into a plastic bag he had in his pocket.
A rustling in the forest made Channing stand quickly, he breathed slowly and listened, making a slow, slow sweep with his eyes.
Channing knew then it was time to leave, he could feel it.
He began walking quickly back to his car, his excellent since of direction leading the way, he heard rustling behind him, Channing knew if he turned he would see nothing.
Now was not the time to look back anyway, Channing had to get to his car.
The edge of the woods was within sight, after a few more steps Channing could see the cars, there were footsteps behind him now and they were getting closer. Channing broke into a sprint; he could hear his chaser speed up to match him.
Channing cleared the edge of the wood and had his keys out of his pocket, deftly hitting the unlock and remote start on his keychain, he prepared his getaway.
Channing got in his car slamming the door closed behind him, from out of the woods a grey monster ran, it skid to a stop in front of him and leaped onto the hood of his car. It’s red eyes boring in to Channing’s, it looked like a giant demonic raccoon, hands with the parody of fingers.
It wore metal claws.
Channing stomped the accelerator and his car took off in an explosion of speed, the raccoon creature went flying over the roof.
“What the hell was that!?” Detective Channing screamed as he looked in the rearview mirror, watching the horrible thing get farther away.
Channing got on the radio again, “This is Detective Channing, 5-1-Leo-5, please respond, over.”
He tried again but received the same response. Channing changed the frequency and trying to find any one that worked; his efforts were met at every turn with silence and static.
As he cleared the boundaries of the park and got back on the freeway his radio gave a burst of noise, a chill ran down Detective Channing spine, he knew that was significant but he didn’t know why.
“Detective Channing come in this is Station 6, please reestablish contact, over.” The radio called out.
Acting with haste Channing picked up the mic and said, “It’s good to hear your voice again Captain, I found Simon’s car… and something else, something really weird”
“And what pray tell would that be?” Captain Jeffery Carter asked harshly.
“I don’t know I’ll,” Channing said softly, and after a pause, “We need to send a Crime scene unit to the location, but they need to be guarded,”
“Seriously Channing, what is going on here?” Captain Carter said barely restraining himself, you could see the vein in his forehead bulge even over the radio.
“I’ll tell you when I get back,” Channing said,
“And when will that be?”
“It better be Channing”
“Alright, alright, see you when I get there” Channing rushed to say before turning his radio off, he did not need that kind of stress right now.
Channing had to think. What the hell was going on in the woods, two murder sites, and what the fuck was that thing that had chased him.
The piece of jaw Channing had found seemed to match that of that monster’s; with any luck it would identify whatever that thing was.
Channing drove in silence, his mind a churning maelstrom of unanswered questing, his instincts where oddly quiet.
It was starting to get dark by the time he got back to the city, they won’t mind if I stop and get some dinner, he thought to himself as he pulled into the parking lot of a generic chain restaurant. The cheap coffee helped him think, and Detective Channing knew he needed anything that would give even the slightly edge in this mystery.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Strange Happenings in the Woods - 1

The darkness of the forest was oppressive. Simon Dane could feel it push down around him, it made his cargo all the heavier. Simon thought about that old saying the one that says a real friend would help you move a body and he realized that if it was true then in fact he had no real friends. Probably for the better though, Simon though, less people to worry about with a secret. As it stood now the only witnesses were present, Simon Dane and the body he dragged.
Having never buried anyone in the woods before, Simon had no Idea how far into the woods to go before he should start digging the hole, he was already pretty in, and the woods where really starting to spook him. The bag had ripped; it was getting worse with ever step. Simon had intended to carry the body over his shoulder but, had been impeded by rigor mortis. Having never killed anyone before he had no idea how stiff and heavy a body would be.
Simon stopped, four more paces should be good enough, he thought to himself. On the second step a giant raccoon or something, all Simon saw was giant teeth, ran out in front of him. Simon dropped the legs, and backed slowly away.
The raccoon-thing had stared, a gleam of hellfire in its red eyes, as Simon backed away. Only after Simon was a football field away did it begin its work. It had first sniffed around the bag slowly, and then it became interested in the hole that had formed at the end of the bag, the head of the body, a mask of blond hair and broken skin, sticking almost entirely out. With a seeming demonic possession, it went into a furry, devouring the head in a bloodstained blur. The raccoon-thing stood then red half-congealed molasses blood running down its previously grey front. It stepped forward onto the body, bent down and with a surgical precision cut the plastic bag open with what looked to Simon like a very long talon.
Simon watched, for seven minutes, from behind a tree at a very sizable safe distance as the raccoon-thing made a meal of the body. It was big, at least 5 feet tall when it stood on its hind legs. It was a monster raccoon thing, fur matte grey, its eyes the red of an albino rat, an intimidating creature. It was deftly calculating with its movements Simon thought, as if it was enjoying it.
Simon Dane sneezed.
It looked the raccoon-thing, the monster, right into Simon’s eyes and like a laser pierced right into his soul.
Simon was running. He was lost and he knew it, but he had heard it following him.
Simon stopped dead and ducked quickly into a large tree’s deep shadow; with every ounce of control he had, he suppressed breathing that wanted to gasp. If he got out of this, he would quick smoking, Simon was sure of it. He listened; the forest made too much noise on its own, something was always moving in the forest at night, how was he supposed to tell if the rustling was a doe or a monster. Simon peer around the tree, and the eyes greeted him again.
Twenty feet away stood the raccoon-thing, covered in blood; its piercing laser red eyes matched the blood on its front.
It moved then.
Simon stood frozen by the eyes, a deer in headlights. With amazing speed, it was upon him. The raccoon-thing tackled Simon to the ground. It stood on top of him, the bloody matted hair of the rabid creature acted like a paintbrush covering Simon in an abstract painting of gore.
Simon was puking as soon as he tasted it, a chunk of body or brain had fallen into his mouth. The projectile stream of stomach acid saved Simon Danes life. Like a guided missile, the acid result of an empty stomach forced to run through the forest, had hit those red, hellfire eyes. The raccoon-thing stood and shuffled away, trying to wipe the burning out of its eye but only succeeding in rubbing blood in them instead.
Simon Dane stood up, wobbly and bruised but okay. Standing over the raccoon-thing as it howled in agony.
Simon thought about what to do.
With an impulse jerk of sudden swift motion, Simon kicked the raccoon-thing in its snout as hard as he could. The raccoon-thing’s jaw broke, flesh tore and the raccoon-thing’s lower mandible went flying. It cried out it pain.
Simon kicked it again.
and again.
Again… faster and harder with every kick.
Blood covered Simon, in but he kept kicking. His foot hurt and the monster had stopped moving a while ago, but he kept kicking.
Simon lay exhausted a few feet from the body of the slain predator, breathing deeply trying to calm down.
It was too late by the time Simon felt the eyes upon him. Simon was not scared and he knew that was weird. Their red eyes looked at him through the darkness, Simon stood slowly, and their eyes followed. He took a step forward and their eyes moved with him. Karma is a dangerous dance Simon thought to himself as he made a daring sprint at a small break in the raccoon-thing’s line.
His arm was a dagger of molten pain, his leg exploded with a nuclear payload, Simon Dane screamed as he fell.
The raccoon-things made short work of him, their numbers dwindled as he did, until Simon Dane was gone and only two raccoon-things remained near the blood stained ground that was the only evidence that Simon was ever there.
Only when all else were gone and the forest was quit did the tallest of them speak.
“Does this disturbance impede our plans Vex?”
“No Se’l it does not, but what will we do about Fi’el, the human scum murdered one of our best warriors, we’ll need them all soon,” Vex said to him with hatred in his voice.
“It does not matter, Fi’el was a fool, alerting a human to his existence and nearly letting him escape. We cannot have fools in our army Vex,” Se’l looked at his old friend then and breathed deeply through his long nose, “We must speed up our plans Vex.”
“It will be done,” Vex said, he turned and ran with a surprising burst of speed into the forest.
Se’l was alone then, he listened to the forest, and though his eyes worked well in the dark, he felt the darkness oppressive around him. He could feel it push down around him.
This plan has to work, Se’l thought to himself, or the humans will just keep coming, and more of us will die.
“Our oppression will end soon, and we will no longer have to hide,” Se’l said aloud, then dashed into the dark recess of a tree and diapered underground.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Littlest Lightbulb

This is a story about a light bulb.
The Littlest Light Bulb as a matter of fact.
This bright little bulb, was quite an explorer, he'd explored most of the Big House.
The Big House was the entire world to the Littlest Light Bulb you see.
For you or me it would be a regular sized house, but to him (and the rest of the light bulbs, but this story isn't about them) this was a big place indeed.
The Big House stood on the far side of town.
Of course there was no way for our intrepid Light Bulb to know this, the farthest he'd ever been was the upstairs bathroom.
The Littlest Light Bulb lived in the refrigerator and when the humans where home he did his job faithfully, when ever they'd open the door he'd brighten up so they could find things with the kitchen light off.
However when the humans left, as they did everyday in the morning to go into the Big Big World (which he'd only ever seen through the window), the Littlest Light Bulb would climb out of his home and down into the Big House.
Everyday he would walk as far as he could.
As he wasn't very big he couldn't open doors and only by riding the cat could he go up the stairs.
The cat however had a mind of its own and wouldn't necessarily take him where he wanted to go.
So his exploration of the house was incomplete.
So the day when he came out of the refrigerator and walked down the long hall to find the darkest room he'd ever seen he wasn't so much surprised as he was excited. Every day he'd seen this door and wondered what was behind it. And to day was the day he was going to find out.
This was however truly the darkest room he’d ever seen.
He entered slowly and from the darkness he heard a noise.
The Littlest Light Bulb only being a small refrigerator light could only brighten so far into the black room ahead of him.
He moved farther and farther into the room, and soon he was out of the arc of light provided by the door.
With every step the noise grew closer and louder, then a rush past him nearly knocking him over.
The cat had ran past him and into the house the door whooshed closed behind it.
And he was alone in the dark.
Anxiously he wandered the room until he got the the far side, where a sliver of light was barely on the ground, and suddenly a grinding noise above him startled the Littlest Light Bulb.
Then a sudden burst of light dimmed him to barely a glow and he ran toward it knowing this may be his only chance to see what ever this great thing is.
And then he's outside for the first time.
And he truly knew he was in the Big Big World because he looked up and he saw the Brightest Light.

This glorious moment was short lived though.
The Littlest Light Bulb suddenly got the feeling he was being watched.
He got scared and stared running, but it was to late, a bird had already decided swoop at him.
Instantly he's off the ground and if he wasn't so scared, he would have sad this was the most fun he'd ever had.
However the next thing he knows, he's falling.

When he woke up he had know Idea where he was.
He started walking, not sure if he was even going the right way.
Eventually he came upon a ravine, not very wide, but very deep.
Not being one to give up on a direction once he's started going in it, he decided to cross it.
He walked along it for a while, and then quite luckily he came upon a log which had some how fallen a crossed it.
He balanced he his way over and began walking again.
He walked for what seemed like forever. He didn't feel like he was getting any closer and he was starting to get scared.
It started getting darker too, the Brightest Light slowly sliding down the sky, just like he'd seen it do through the window, only closer.
He made shelter in a small rock formation.
The next day was filled with new adventures.
Early in the day he thought he saw something in the distance and started walking towards it.
As he got closer he saw it was another light.
The Littlest Lightbulb called out!

The Night 04-07-06

Some days the stars seem to shine down just on me, others though it seems that nothing is enough. There are times late at night on the latter of those two days, where it feels that the coming day is being made in the sky to be hung over me like the sword of Damocles. That the abyss is just a step ahead and it’s too dark to see it and too late to stop anyway.
On these days I tend to drink.
It’s been one of those days.
“It’s getting late, I’ve got to work in the morning” the guy sitting on the bar stool to my right says to the lady sitting on his.
“Alright, I’ll call you tomorrow” The lady says.
And I think “It’s only midnight, I’ve got to the work in the morning too, but you don’t see me leaving all early and shit like a pussy.”
“That’s because you’re an alcoholic asshole” Says the guy to my right. As it turns out, I didn’t think it after all as it turns out I said it aloud.
“Sorry” I say.
“Yeah, I bet you are.” He says to me and to the lady he says “That would be great” and then he leaves. The lady for her part rolls her eyes, averts mine and orders another drink from the bartender, for mine I move a bar stool to the right and get another drink of my own.

Next thing I know it’s morning proper, my alarm is going off, and the lady is next to me in my bed. I drink too much. An awkward situation to be sure; the question is how do you ask somebody whose name you where probably told, but can’t seem to remember to leave so that you can go to work, with out seeming like a complete dick.
So I do the only thing I can, I put my pants on and leave. It’s too early to deal with that kind of shit.
Outside it’s still mostly dark, with a chance that the sun might say “Screw this” and not rise at all. It’s going to be another wonderful day, 20 minutes later I’m stuck in traffic and I know for sure it is.
At work I feel like I’m trapped in a desert, the scorching sun above me and sand all around me, then my phone will ring. Name, rank and department, I give in that order.
“Did you get the memo?”, “Have you sent the memo?”, or this time, my favorite “Can I see you in my office?” - Actually wait that’s a new one. So all the way down the hall I’m sweating, I’ve been wondering for a long time how long it would take for them to realize I’m dead weight, apparently that countdown is through.
We have lift off, and I open my boss’s door.
He’s not here though, so I sit and wait. Asshole calls me into his office then doesn’t have the common decency to be here 30 seconds later.
I wait for about 20 minutes, okay maybe not that long, maybe 7, I stand and walk to the other side of the desk, then using a conveniently placed sharpie, in big block letters across oak desk, that probably cost more than I make in a year, I write “Fuck you, I quit. Heart Me” and I walk out, but as I put my hand on the door knob, it opens and he walks in.
His lips are moving and words are coming out, but I can barely make them out over the thumping of my heart “Oh there you are, I went to you cube but you weren’t there, well anyway, I was looking at your file, you do some good work.” He might have kept talking, I don’t know because that’s when I passed out.

Next thing I know it’s morning, only there is no alarm, but there is a lady next to me dressed like a nurse. I think she is a nurse actually. Wait where am I? I sit up, and she says. “Good your awake, do you know where you are?” and that’s when I notice she has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen, and I say “Not exactly, but if you’re here it must be heaven.” And she half-heartedly laughs and says “Nope, never heard that before, I’ll go get the doctor.” She turns pushes open the curtain surrounding my bed and leaves pushing it closed behind her, and I think I’m in love.
The doctor comes in minutes later, apparently I had a heart attack, a minor one, but still uncommon for someone my age and the doctor just can’t understand it, but with proper diet and exercise I should be fine, he says it’s okay to go home, and I consider it briefly, but instead after being discharged decide to go to the bar and celebrate my good health.
I’ll toast to that.
Sitting next to me again is the guy from last night, or two nights ago I guess it would be now, only this time he’s to my left, and to his is the lady whose name I can’t remember. I’ve really got to stop coming here. She’s talking to him but every few seconds she looks over at me, and when the guy leaves really early again, she slides over next to me.
“I haven’t seen you in a while stranger.” She says.
I order another drink.
“Hi” I say because it’s all I can think of, and then my lips just keep moving “I just got out of the hospital.”
“Oh my god,” she says “are you all right.”
And I can’t help but wonder what she looks like naked, if you can’t remember it doesn’t count right?
I say “Nah, I’m fine though think I might have quit my job.”
“Wow, you’re just full of stories aren’t you?”
“Today I am, really I’m just a boring guy.”
She leans in and kisses me on the forehead, and I desperately try to remember her name.
Some days the stars shine just for you, and others you drink to much, wake up next to a lady who’s name escapes you, quite your job, and have a heart attack.
It could be worse.


And I’m asleep and this is a dream. Well I’m not so sure I’m asleep, I don’t remember going to sleep, but I do know that this is a dream, because it has to be. It’s so big here, I know that it’s the great out doors and all, but it just seems to go on forever, and up forever and the sky is so blue. And this is a field, a large field filled with every kind of flower you can imagine, and long tall green grass that sways in the breeze. The breeze feels good. There are many trees, maybe it’s a forest, and I never could tell the one from the other, the trees from the forest. There are a lot of trees. Trees, long grass, and colorful flowers, as far as the eye can see, with the sun smiling down on it all.
And this has to be a Dream.
And He is here.
He says he loves me, and that he brings love and affection, and someday I’ll feel it too.
And I say he’s a liar and that he turned his back on me.
He doesn’t seem to be phased though, like he’s heard it all before, like he knows what I’m going to say before I say it, and that infuriates me, his benevolence fills me with such rage.
He says that I can feel what ever I want about him, and he’ll always love me.
And I say I don’t believe him, this is a trick, and a dream, and that I’m going to wake up now. Any second now.
He reassures me that this is no dream and no trick. He tells me that I won’t wake up. He’s here to stay this time.
And I want to hurt him, I want him to feel my pain, and my suffering, but his eyes they glisten so much, like there are wells of compassion and as much as I hate him and as much as I want to bring him pain, I’m conflicted because I also want to love him, I want to believe him. Why do I want to believe him? I know now for sure this is a trick. I’ll never believe him.
He tells me to go gather wood for a fire. The sun is setting and he points up.
And I look up and the sun is setting, dusk is coming quick, but I refuse to do his work for him.
He tells me to go now before I lose the light. There is a forcefulness to his voice that tells me not to question it.
And I go. What else could I do, so I’m wandering around this clearing, looking for wood.
He yells Hurry up. But, I’m going as fast as I can.
And I’m finding really good pieces of wood, this is easier than I thought it was going to be. I’m loading my arms up with wood, this wood will burn good I know, I don’t know how I know I just do. My arms are full so I turn too carry it all back, but I have wandered a lot farther away than I had though I had and I’m lost, and I’m afraid. I’m lost, I’m lost in my dream.
He yells to me, he asks me where I am, where the wood is.
And I head towards his voice, like the pole star, my guiding light. I hate needing his help, but I’m carrying all these twigs and branches, too many probably, and its getting heavier with every step. I’m going to drop it if I don’t get there soon I think. And then there he is waiting for me, sitting on the ground.
He says Oh there you are.
And I hate him more than ever. I throw the wood down by his feet, barely missing them..
He begins to build a fire. Sitting on the ground building a fire, he looks content. The fire begins to glows with a red that can only be seen in a dream. After a while deeper reds and oranges and whites join the red, the heat is so pure.
And I feel warmer than I’ve ever felt. I’m just so comfortable.
He says Come sit by me son.
And I say I’m not your son, you’re not my father, not anymore.
He says Nonsense, come sit down next to me. We need to talk, he tells me.
And I sit down, but not next to him, I sit on the other side of the fire, and viewing him through the fire he is deep in shadow, he looks like the mystery I’ve always known him as. He looks like the ghoul I’ve always imagined him being. My hatred feels justified.
And I say Well talk.
He looks at me, I can feel his eyes on me, even through the obstruction of flame. He’s looking me up and down inspecting me. He says You’ve grown up well, you’re a fine young man. He says I’m sorry, so sorry.
And I can’t see them but I hear them, there are tears on his cheeks, I hear it in his voice, he’s crying.
And I hate his weakness. The tears of the great and powerful Oz, let him cry. He abandoned me.
He says I know I haven’t been there for you, but I will be there from now on.
And I say You think you can just come back, you flood me with love and compassion after years of neglect and you think you can come back. I say I’m going to wake up now, and I’m going to forget you. You have no power over me.
He says I know I ignored you, I know it will be hard but I want to try.
And it’s really dark out now, I notice, the only light is from the fire. There is quite all around us, the crackle of the fire and our breathing is the only sounds. And I feel alone, but not completely because he is here, and as much as I hate him. I don’t want to be alone.
He says I love you, it will all be different now.
And I’m still dreaming, this is a dream. It has to be. I might not be asleep but this has to be a dream. I want to stop dreaming.
He says Get some sleep now.
And I say, I am asleep, or at least dreaming.
He says For the last time this isn’t a dream, I’m really here. Then he gets up and walks off, and I’m alone.
And I hate him even more. I stay near the fire, where I feel warm and safe. And I don’t sleep, you can’t sleep in a dream. I’m awake, and I watch the fire, how it dances and plays as it burns down. Down to ember and ash, if ever there was a phoenix it would rise from this ash, but there is no great bird of rebirth. Maybe this isn’t a dream. And the sun comes up.
He asks Have you been up all night? He says Come help me pack up we’ve got to get back to the city.
And I say Ok Dad. I’m coming and maybe this isn’t a dream
And I have had a lot of fun.
And I can’t wait to get home.