Monday, November 23, 2009

Strange Happenings in the Woods - 1

The darkness of the forest was oppressive. Simon Dane could feel it push down around him, it made his cargo all the heavier. Simon thought about that old saying the one that says a real friend would help you move a body and he realized that if it was true then in fact he had no real friends. Probably for the better though, Simon though, less people to worry about with a secret. As it stood now the only witnesses were present, Simon Dane and the body he dragged.
Having never buried anyone in the woods before, Simon had no Idea how far into the woods to go before he should start digging the hole, he was already pretty in, and the woods where really starting to spook him. The bag had ripped; it was getting worse with ever step. Simon had intended to carry the body over his shoulder but, had been impeded by rigor mortis. Having never killed anyone before he had no idea how stiff and heavy a body would be.
Simon stopped, four more paces should be good enough, he thought to himself. On the second step a giant raccoon or something, all Simon saw was giant teeth, ran out in front of him. Simon dropped the legs, and backed slowly away.
The raccoon-thing had stared, a gleam of hellfire in its red eyes, as Simon backed away. Only after Simon was a football field away did it begin its work. It had first sniffed around the bag slowly, and then it became interested in the hole that had formed at the end of the bag, the head of the body, a mask of blond hair and broken skin, sticking almost entirely out. With a seeming demonic possession, it went into a furry, devouring the head in a bloodstained blur. The raccoon-thing stood then red half-congealed molasses blood running down its previously grey front. It stepped forward onto the body, bent down and with a surgical precision cut the plastic bag open with what looked to Simon like a very long talon.
Simon watched, for seven minutes, from behind a tree at a very sizable safe distance as the raccoon-thing made a meal of the body. It was big, at least 5 feet tall when it stood on its hind legs. It was a monster raccoon thing, fur matte grey, its eyes the red of an albino rat, an intimidating creature. It was deftly calculating with its movements Simon thought, as if it was enjoying it.
Simon Dane sneezed.
It looked the raccoon-thing, the monster, right into Simon’s eyes and like a laser pierced right into his soul.
Simon was running. He was lost and he knew it, but he had heard it following him.
Simon stopped dead and ducked quickly into a large tree’s deep shadow; with every ounce of control he had, he suppressed breathing that wanted to gasp. If he got out of this, he would quick smoking, Simon was sure of it. He listened; the forest made too much noise on its own, something was always moving in the forest at night, how was he supposed to tell if the rustling was a doe or a monster. Simon peer around the tree, and the eyes greeted him again.
Twenty feet away stood the raccoon-thing, covered in blood; its piercing laser red eyes matched the blood on its front.
It moved then.
Simon stood frozen by the eyes, a deer in headlights. With amazing speed, it was upon him. The raccoon-thing tackled Simon to the ground. It stood on top of him, the bloody matted hair of the rabid creature acted like a paintbrush covering Simon in an abstract painting of gore.
Simon was puking as soon as he tasted it, a chunk of body or brain had fallen into his mouth. The projectile stream of stomach acid saved Simon Danes life. Like a guided missile, the acid result of an empty stomach forced to run through the forest, had hit those red, hellfire eyes. The raccoon-thing stood and shuffled away, trying to wipe the burning out of its eye but only succeeding in rubbing blood in them instead.
Simon Dane stood up, wobbly and bruised but okay. Standing over the raccoon-thing as it howled in agony.
Simon thought about what to do.
With an impulse jerk of sudden swift motion, Simon kicked the raccoon-thing in its snout as hard as he could. The raccoon-thing’s jaw broke, flesh tore and the raccoon-thing’s lower mandible went flying. It cried out it pain.
Simon kicked it again.
and again.
Again… faster and harder with every kick.
Blood covered Simon, in but he kept kicking. His foot hurt and the monster had stopped moving a while ago, but he kept kicking.
Simon lay exhausted a few feet from the body of the slain predator, breathing deeply trying to calm down.
It was too late by the time Simon felt the eyes upon him. Simon was not scared and he knew that was weird. Their red eyes looked at him through the darkness, Simon stood slowly, and their eyes followed. He took a step forward and their eyes moved with him. Karma is a dangerous dance Simon thought to himself as he made a daring sprint at a small break in the raccoon-thing’s line.
His arm was a dagger of molten pain, his leg exploded with a nuclear payload, Simon Dane screamed as he fell.
The raccoon-things made short work of him, their numbers dwindled as he did, until Simon Dane was gone and only two raccoon-things remained near the blood stained ground that was the only evidence that Simon was ever there.
Only when all else were gone and the forest was quit did the tallest of them speak.
“Does this disturbance impede our plans Vex?”
“No Se’l it does not, but what will we do about Fi’el, the human scum murdered one of our best warriors, we’ll need them all soon,” Vex said to him with hatred in his voice.
“It does not matter, Fi’el was a fool, alerting a human to his existence and nearly letting him escape. We cannot have fools in our army Vex,” Se’l looked at his old friend then and breathed deeply through his long nose, “We must speed up our plans Vex.”
“It will be done,” Vex said, he turned and ran with a surprising burst of speed into the forest.
Se’l was alone then, he listened to the forest, and though his eyes worked well in the dark, he felt the darkness oppressive around him. He could feel it push down around him.
This plan has to work, Se’l thought to himself, or the humans will just keep coming, and more of us will die.
“Our oppression will end soon, and we will no longer have to hide,” Se’l said aloud, then dashed into the dark recess of a tree and diapered underground.

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